Here's a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. If you don't see your question or need clarification of an answer, please feel free to stop by, call 845-336-7946, send an email, or ask our experts.

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Yes, SwimKing is open year-round. We have extended store hours during the swimming season (Memorial Day to Labor Day).

You must shock your pool every 1-2 weeks on a regular basis. The pool also needs to be shocked after periods of heavy use, heavy rain, when the water is hazy or when algae growth is visible.

Algaecide should be added to your pool water on a weekly basis. Follow the directions on the label to determine how much to use.

We find diatomaceous earth filter to be the most effective. Sand filters and paper element cartridge filters are also available.

Usually it is adequate to change the D.E. once every 30 days. However, if your pool water is very dirty it is not uncommon to change it 3 - 4 times a day until the water is clear.

The manufacturer suggests this be done at the beginning of every season. SwimKing offers this service at a nominal fee.

The sand stays in the filter for a long time. Five to ten years if you are using chlorine. If you use a biguanide sanitizer, you should have the sand changed every 3 - 5 years. Believe it or not, a sand filter works better when it's dirty, so it's important not to backwash it too often. A clean sand filter will trap a particle 50 microns in size, while a dirty sand filter will trap a particle only 20 - 25 microns in size. Sand should be chemically cleaned at least once a year, twice if you're using a biguanide sanitizer.

Of course this would depend on the overall size and depth of your individual pool. To help you calculate this, please use the following formulas:

  • D=Diameter
  • AD=Average Depth is equal to the depth of the shallow end plus the depth of the deep end divided by 2
  • L=Length
  • W=Width
  • Rectangle or square: L x W x AD x 7.5
  • Round: D x D x AD x 5.9
  • Oval: Full Length x Full Width x AD x 6.7
  • Kidney: Average W x Overall L x AD x 7.0

Your pool water should be professionally tested by us at least twice per month. We provide this computerized service free of charge.

The water level in a swimming pool should be at the center of the through the wall skimmer.

The solar cover should be used whenever the pool is not occupied by swimmers and you want to increase the water temperature. During the day the solar cover works by attracting the sun's rays and dispersing the heat they provide into your pool. At night the solar cover prevents evaporation and helps to retain the heat that the pool has collected during the day. Always put the solar cover on with the bubbles down, touching the water. Note: The solar cover must be completely removed before the pool is used.

Yes, heaters are available for all sizes and shapes of above and in-ground pools.

Typically not. As long as the pool wall is at least 48" higher than the adjoining ground, a fence is not required.

Most municipalities require a building permit for both above and in-ground pools. Please consult your local building inspector for further details.

Although household bleach contains a small percentage of sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine), it also contains other types of chemicals that are not compatible with pool water balancing chemicals. The use of household bleach in your pool will, over time, dry out your liner and cause irreversible damage to your pump and filter.

To properly answer this question, one would need to know the size and gallonage of the pool as well as the type and horsepower of your filter. A vague rule of thumb would suggest the filter be run at least 8 hours per day. Please contact us for more specific information regarding your pool.

It is usually recommended that the filter run at the end of the day when everyone is finished using the pool. Most people put their filter on an automatic timer, usually set from midnight to 8:00 a.m. Running your filter during pool use undermines the effect of the skimmer since the motion of swimmers will keep debris from entering the skimmer.

Yes, we do. If a child falls into the pool a wave sensor in the alarm senses motion on the surface of the pool. This motion activates the alarm.

Boil water and pour it over the affected liner area. When the liner becomes malleable, pull up the liner bead and snap it back into the track.